The Santiam Canyon School Board is soliciting community members to serve on our Construction Bond Oversight Advisory Group. If you are interested, please submit a letter of interest to the Santiam Canyon School District Office located at 150 SW Evergreen St. in Mill City by 4:00 pm on September 5th. Members will be selected at the September 11 school board meeting. The description of the group and process is explained below. If you have questions, please reach out to Superintendent Todd Miller at 503-897-2321.
District Bond Oversight Advisory Group – The Santiam Canyon School District Bond Oversight Advisory Group is established as an Advisory Group for the Superintendent.
Purpose and Authority – The purpose and authority of the Advisory Group is to convene as needed to review progress on the District Bond Measure to ensure the purpose and promise of the bond measure is fully realized. The Advisory Group shall provide review of project scopes, schedules and budgets. Further, the Advisory Group may be asked to consider project modifications if inflationary increases in construction costs exceed current budget estimates. The Advisory Group shall act in an advisory role providing periodic updates to the Superintendent. The Advisory Group has no authority to make decisions on behalf of the School Board or the Superintendent nor make or implement policy. The Advisory Group shall report at least quarterly to the Board of Directors regarding program progress.
Estimated Time to Carry Out Oversight – The Advisory Group shall be dissolved upon issuance of a final report by the Advisory Group after all projects authorized by the Santiam Canyon School District Bond Measure have been completed.
Frequency of Meetings – The Advisory Group shall meet no fewer than 6 times per year. Meetings shall be held at a time and location to be determined by the Advisory Group Chair.
Membership – The Advisory Group shall be composed of no fewer than 6, and no more than 10 members, to be appointed by the Board Chair and approved by the School Board. Members shall primarily be professionals with experience in construction, finance, auditing, public budgeting, banking and general business. School Board members may also be assigned as regular or ex-officio members of the Advisory Group. The District’s Program Manager and Superintendent shall serve as ex-officio members.
Annual Report – The Advisory Group shall prepare and deliver meeting minutes as well as an annual report to the Superintendent regarding program progress, including an overall assessment of the projects, schedules, spending trends, and cost projections.