Category: News
Santiam Junior Senior High Achieves Outstanding 94.4% Graduation Rate!
We are proud to share that Santiam Junior/Senior High School students posted an impressive 94.4% graduation rate for the 2024 […]
Temporary Road Closure may impact pick up and drop off routes
Dear Santiam Community, The City of Mill City is replacing sewer lines on 1st Avenue in the middle of town. […]
School is cancelled Friday due to high wind, fire danger and planned power outages
Dear Santiam Community, It is not easy writing this communication, but we have made the difficult decision to cancel school […]
FREE Breakfast and Lunch for ALL Students for the 2024-25 School Year
Great news for our Santiam families! We have been approved by the Department of Education to continue the CEP Program […]
Parent Notice: City Road Closure of 2nd St.
Dear Santiam Families, The City of Mill City repaving job has begun, which will close 2nd St. for the first […]
Free COVID Tests for Families
Santiam Families, We were given a huge supply of free COVID tests to give out to our families. These are […]
Community Awareness: Risk of Fentanyl increasing around the nation and state
Dear Santiam Community, Thankfully, we have not heard or seen of any issues with Fentanyl in our schools, but the […]
Masks Become Optional Next Week
Dear Santiam Community, With the lifting of the statewide mask mandate timeline changing to March 12, this is the last […]
Midyear Perspective and Thanks
Dear Santiam Community, I am proud to serve the kids and families of the Santiam Canyon, alongside a group of […]